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A shipwreck in the garden?

Far away from the sea coast, a team of international theatre makers explores visual and weird shipwrecks of all sorts...

And as ever, all the way down, still live music - the dedicated band of sinking sailors.


The tiny bright high-light of the summer season!

unforeseen performance in unusual surroundings

Käpylä, Helsinki, Finland

only chances to see:

Saturday 17.8.2024, 19h

Sunday  18.8.2024,  12h

free entry

inquiries at




Tervetuloa kurkistamaan Fabsurdiaan, paikkaan jossa kaikki kummallinen on mahdollista.

Fabsurdiassa tarinat alkavat, kääntyvät ja vääntyvät. Fabsurdia resonoi, ilakoi ja inspiroi.

Fabsurdia on visuaalinen loru, joka virtaa eteenpäin omaan rytmiinsä, välillä rimmaten aiempaan mutta alati uutta ehdottaen.

Fabsurdia on kaiken ikäisille sopiva sanaton teatteriesitys, kesto n. 40 minuuttia.



Mayim Alpert, Linnea Happonen, Nuutti Happonen, Philip Holm, Anisia Kronidova, Pavel Semchenko



Welcome to Fabsurdia, a place where everything strange is possible. In Fabsurdia, stories start, turn and twist. Fabsurdia resonates, delights and inspires.

Fabsurdia is a visual rhyme flowing forward to its own rhythm, sometimes rhyming with what has gone before but always suggesting something new.


Fabsurdia is a wordless theatre performance suitable for all ages. Duration approx. 40 min.

Working group:
Mayim Alpert, Linnea Happonen, Nuutti Happonen, Philip Holm, Anisia Kronidova, Pavel Semchenko

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International theatre group 
was founded in 2001 in Prague.

Starting with outrageous and brave improvisations, 
KREPSKO has created their own unique theatrical language 
based on enchanting atmospheres, dark fairytales 
and absurd tragicomical moments. 
They use aspects of circus and puppet 
theatre to tell stories without words 
and to reach the deepest secrets 
and emotions of the audience. 

has created more than 20 reprising shows,
performed all around the world 
and garnered numerous awards. 
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